Florida Farm to Fuel®

Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bronson believes that Florida can be a leader in the effort of producing energy from crops and timber because of the vast amount of farm acreage in the state and its mild climate, which permits crops to be grown virtually year round.
In 2006, the Farm to Fuelï Initiative was statutorily created to enhance the market for and promote the production and distribution of renewable energy from Florida-grown crops, agricultural wastes and residues, and other biomass and to enhance to value of agriculture products or expand agribusiness in the State.
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Renewable Energy By
Agriculture Commissioner
Charles H. Bronson
In 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services hosted ïFarm to Fuelï Summitsï. These summits will help Florida take the next step in promoting the production, distribution, and use of renewable fuels, particularly ethanol. These high-profile events featured speakers and panelists representing international, national and state perspectives on issues of research, production and distribution of biofuels and bioenergy. PowerPoint presentations from these summits can be accessed from the links on the navigation bar.