2010 Farm to Fuel® Summit

On August 11th through 13th, The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services held the ?Farm to Fuel® Summit? in Orlando at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort. The agenda for the 2010 Farm to Fuel® Summit can be viewed at the following link: Agenda (PDF 1.7 MB).
We would like to thank the people and businesses that have chosen to support this years Farm to Fuel® Summit and help make it a success. Below is a list of the participants of the 2010 Farm to Fuel® Summit for your reference.
Please complete the 2010 Farm to Fuel® Summit Evaluation Form. (PDF 96 KB)
2010 Farm to Fuel Participants by Last Name (PDF 75 KB)
2010 Farm to Fuel Participants by Company (PDF 75 KB)
2010 Farm to Fuel® Summit Presentations
Workshop ? ?Woody Biomass Utilization? In Partnership with the Florida Forestry Association ® Moderator ? Jeff Doran
- Draft Woody Biomass Principles for Florida ? Jeff Doran (PDF 5.3 MB)
- Economic and Forest Sustainability Impacts of Expanded Woody Biomass Utilization for Electric Power in Florida ? Alan Hodges and Jarek Nowak (PDF 1.3 MB)
- Production Economics of Short Rotation Plantation Forestry in Canada: A Modeling Approach - Darren Allen (PDF 1.75 MB)
- Fuel Sustainability and Economic Impact of Biomass Power Generation in Florida ? Albert Morales (PDF 1.95 MB)
- Status of Wood-to-Energy Markets in the South - Pete Stewart (PDF 1.4 MB)
- Draft Consensus Recommendations of the 25x25 Wood to Energy Roadmap Steering Committee - Bob Emory (PDF 1.25 MB)
Workshop ? ?Business Case for Biofuels? In Partnership with the Florida Biofuels Association ®Moderator ? Jeremy Susac
- Reducing Barriers to New Market Entry - Alex Domijan (PDF 343 KB)
- ®Permitting - Martin Costello (PDF 887 KB)
- ®Current Permitting Regulatory Structure and Future Improvements - Frank Matthews (PDF 7.8 MB)
- ®Conversion of Municipal Waste Materials for Production of Biofuels ? Paul Hauck (PDF 4.23 MB)
- Large Industrial User in Florida ? Justin Sobol (PDF 443 KB)
- ®Project Finance ?
- ®State Economic Incentives - Joel Gunter (PDF 606 KB)
- ®Florida Opportunity Fund - Kelley Smith (PDF 74 KB)
Keynote Speaker - ®Michael T. Scuse, Deputy Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, USDA
Panel Discussion Federal Energy Programs
- ® Director for Alternative Energy Policy, U.S. Department of Agriculture ? Bill Hagy, Special Assistant (PDF 892 KB)
- ® U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the Biomass Program ?Zia Haq, Senior Analyst (PDF 750 KB)
- ® U.S. EPA Region 4 ? Ken Mitchell, Senior Climate Change Advisor (PDF 2 MB)
Panel Discussion Integrating Renewables into Florida?s Energy Mix Moderator ? Jay Levenstein
- Executive Director, Florida Municipal Electric Association, Barry Moline (PDF 1.68 MB)
- ®Senior Fuels Policy Advisor, Marathon Petroleum Company, Michael Leister (PDF 308 KB)
- ®National Biofuels Manager, Kinder Morgan Pipelines, Jim Lelio (PDF 1.34 MB)
- ®Managing Partner, Protec Fuel Management, LLC, Todd Garner (PDF 923 KB)
Panel Discussion On-Farm Energy Solutions Moderator ? Andrew Walmsley
- ®Renewable Feedstock Farming in Florida ? Bill Vasden, Jr. (PDF 8.48 MB)
- ®Farm Based Electric Power Generation:® Where Do We Go From Here? ? G.B. Crawford (PDF 267 KB)
- ®On Farm Energy Options - Clay Olson (PDF 7.9 MB)
- ®Tennessee?s Biofuels Initiative and Biomass Supply Cooperative - Louis Buck (PDF 17.5 MB)
Panel Discussion Biodiesel Feedstocks Moderator ? Tony Silva
- ®Preliminary Assessment of Jatropha curcas for Biofuel Production in Florida - Wagner Vendrame (PDF 4.18 MB)
- ®Why Jatropha?® An Overview of the Crop and its Potential in the Renewable Energy Field ? Teri Gevinson (PDF 1.77 MB)
- ®Oilseed Radish ? A Cool Season Cover Crop with Biofuel Potential ? Daniel Geller (PDF 466 KB)
- ®Biodiesel Feedstock Oil from Sunflower Grown as Rotation Crop ? Randall von Wedel (PDF 1.4 MB)
Panel Discussion Cellulosic Ethanol Feedstocks Moderator ? Mark McLellan
- Perennial Grasses as Potential Biofuel Feedstocks for Florida ? Lynn Sollenberger (PDF 6.48 MB)
- Sweet Sorghum as a Potential Biofuel Feedstock for Florida ? John Erickson (PDF 1.4 MB)
- Stan Mayfield Biorefinery Pilot Plant - Lonnie Ingram (PDF 5.9 MB)
Panel Discussion Woody Biomass Feedstocks for Electricity Production Moderator ? Jim Karels
- Wood and Wood Residues: Feedstock for Bioenergy ? Claude Yearwood (PDF 800 KB)
- ®Miscanthus Potential as an Energy Crop ? Jeff Klingenberg (PDF 3.41 MB)
- ®Eucalyptus grandis Cultivars for Energywood Production in Florida ? Donald Rockwood (PDF 1.09 MB)
- ®Feasibility of Forest Understory Biomass for Bioenergy in NW Florida ? Jarek Nowak (PDF 880 KB)
Panel Discussion Cellulosic Ethanol Technologies Moderator ? Angela Morrison Uhland
- Greenhouse Gas Considerations for Biopower and Biofuel Facilities ? Angela Morrison Uhland (PDF 890 KB)
- ®Advancing Florida?s Biofuels Industry with Enduring Government Policy and Innovation ? Loula Merkel (PDF 1.22 MB)
- ®Direct to Ethanol®: Production of Ethanol from Algae ? Benjamin McCool (PDF 9.8 MB)
- ®Decentralized Model for the Production of Fermentable Sugars from Sweet Sorghum for Biofuels Production -® Jerry Horton (PDF 724 KB)
Panel Discussion Advanced Biofuel Technologies Moderator ? Matthew Curran
- A Review of Cellulosic Hydrocarbon, Drop-in Replacement and Infrastructure Compatible Fuel Technologies ? David Bransby (PDF 6.39 MB)
- ®Making Renewable Fuels and Creating Green Jobs ? Bill Haywood (PDF 998 KB)
- ®Transforming Sunlight into Fuel and Food for the World ? Harold Gubnitsky and Urs Geser (PDF 815 KB)
Closing Session
- Ontario Green Energy Act® Richard King, Partner, Ogilvy Renault LLP (PDF 280 KB)
- Florida Energy and Climate Commission James Murley, Chair (PDF 70 KB)