2009 Farm to Fuel® Summit

On July 29th through 31st, The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services held the ?Farm to Fuel® Summit? in Orlando at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort. The agenda for the 2009 Farm to Fuel® Summit can be viewed at the following link: Agenda (PDF 1.7 MB).
Registered Participants
A current list of Summit registrants is available through the following links. The lists are sorted by registrants names (PDF 111kb) or by the registrants company/organization (PDF 111kb).
2009 Farm to Fuel® Summit Presentations
The presentations from the 2009 Farm to Fuel® Summit are in PDF format and may be accessed by clicking on the links below.
USDA Rural Development - Dallas Tonsager - Keynote Speaker (PDF 306 KB)
NREL?s Biofuels R&D Portfolio and Increased Emphasis on Commercialization and Deployment - Michael A. Pacheco (PDF 5 MB)
The Biomass Wheel - A Major Force in Powering the Future of the World - Bill Holmberg (PDF 1.9 MB)
Panel Discussion - Sustainability of a Farm to Fuel Future
Southern Bioenergy Roadmapwith Some Implications for Florida - Tim White (PDF 855 KB)
A Sustainable Water Supply for South Florida: Planning for the Future - Carol Ann Wehle (PDF 1.25 MB)
90-Billion Gallon Biofuel Deployment Study - Britta K. Gross (PDF 2.10 MB)
Biofuels Done Right - Pierre Bull (PDF 80 KB)
Farm to Fuel Champion Speaker, BP Biofuels A Growing Alternative- Sue Ellerbusch (PDF 272 KB)
Panel Discussion - Biomass Feedstocks: Growing our Energy Future
Wood and Wood Residues; Feedstock for Bioenergy - Dick Carmical (PDF 2.23 MB)
Biotechnology in Purpose-Grown Trees to Make Bioenergy Production Feasible - Mike Cunningham (PDF 2.55 MB)
The Development and Commercialization of Dedicated Energy Crops for Biofuels and Power - Walter Nelson
The Future of Biofuels: A Second Green Revolution - Harold Gubnitsky (PDF 720 KB)
Panel Discussion - Funding Opportunities for Renewable Energy Projects
Banks and Alternative Energy - Crisis and Opportunity - Tyler J. Krutzfeldt (PDF 2.20 MB)
Perspectives for Ethanol in Brazil - Daniel Costa (PDF 960 KB)
State Government Assistance - Jeremy Susac (PDF 115 KB)
Federal Government Assistance - Keith Gray (PDF 100 KB)
Panel Discussion - Biofuels Production
Algae 2020: Advanced Biofuels Markets and Commercialization Outlook - Will Thurmond (PDF 31 MB)
Development of Cellulosic Ethanol Technology Using Florida Sugarcane Bagasse - Stephen Clarke, Ph.D. (PDF 491 KB)
Trials and Tribulations of Developing a Sweet Sorghum to Ethanol Biorefinery - Aaron Pepper (PDF 2 MB)
INEOS BioEnergy Process: A Clean, Sustainable Technology for Energy Independence - Mark Niederschulte (PDF 2.45 MB)
Panel Discussion - Environmental and Land Use Permits Needed for Bioenergy Projects
Procedures for Biomass Planting Applications and Permits in Florida - Dr. Jason Byrd (PDF 1.58 MB)
Facility Characteristics-Infrastructure and Resource Needs, and Local Government Regulatory Considerations - Richard Zwolak (PDF 28 MB)
Wetlands (Corps/ERP) and Stormwater Permitting, and NEPA Requirements - Daniel R. Grenier (PDF 28 MB)
Consumptive Water Use and NPDES Wastewater Discharge Permitting - Stephanie L. Fidler (PDF 28 MB)
Air Quality Permitting and Reporting, Solid Waste and Tank Requirements, and Consolidated Permitting Programs - Angela Morrison Uhland(PDF 28 MB)
Panel Discussion - Bioenergy and Biobased Material Production
Next Generation Biorefineries: Biobased Chemicals and Fuels - Sam McConnell (PDF 1.85 MB)
Electricity Production from Farm Waste and Biomass - Joe Hall (PDF 4.85 MB)
Ocala Equine Energy, LLC - Converting Animal Waste to Renewable Electric Power: A Public/Private Partnership Solution to an Industry/Enviromental Problem - William Baker (PDF 2.6 MB)
Developing Biomass Power in the Southeast - Albert Morales (PDF 2.18 MB)
Panel Discussion - Logistics of a Bioenergy Production System
Biomass Inventory Mapping and Analysis Tool (BIMAT) - Lawrence Townley-Smith (PDF 732 KB)
Commercialization of Second-Generation Biofuels: An Independent Engineer?s View - Mark Warner (PDF 957 KB)
Starch and Cellulose Comparisons - Don Borgman (PDF 515 KB)
Uniform-Format Solid Feedstock Supply System - J. Richard Hess (PDF 2.38 MB)
Panel Discussion - Agriculture and Forestry in a Reduced Carbon Economy
Collaborative Uncovers Low-Carbon Opportunity - Jeffrey C. Frost (PDF 1.43 MB)
Using Agriculture and Natural Resource Management to Mitigate Atmospheric CO2 - Dr. Timothy A. Martin (PDF 1.12 MB)
Lessons Learned from Participation in Carbon Markets - David Miller (PDF 1.37 MB)
Sunshine State Carbon Offsets - Nat Mundy (PDF 1.65 MB)