2006 Farm to Fuel® Summit

On August 30 through September 1, The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services hosted a ®Farm to Fuel® Summit® in Orlando. This summit, which attracted more than 300 participants, will help Florida take the next step in promoting the production, distribution, and use of renewable fuels, particularly ethanol. This high-profile event featured speakers and panelists representing international, national and state perspectives on issues of research, production and distribution of biofuels. PowerPoint presentations from the summit can be accessed by clicking on the following links.
PowerPoint Presentations
Larry Schafer, Vice President, Renewable Fuels Association (PPT)
David Terry, Project Coordinator, Governor®s Ethanol Coalition (PPT)
Dr. Gale Buchanan, Undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics, USDA (PPT)
Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development, BBI International (PPT)
Dr. Janaki Alavalapati, Associate Professor in Resource Policy and Economics, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida (PPT)
J. Kieran Jennings, President, CFO, Homeland Agricultural Fuels, LLC (PPT)
Jose® Francisco Davos, Senior Vice President, Dedini S/A Industrias de Base (PPT)
Ray Crabbs, Director, Agricultural Business Development, BRI Energy, LLC (PPT)
Dr. Gregory Luli, Vice President, Research, Celunol Corp. (PPT)
Robert F. Babik, Director, Vehicle Emissions Issues, Environment and Energy Public Policy Center, General Motors Corporation (PPT)
R.B. "Buzz" Hoover, President Gate Ethanol, LLC (PPT)
Daniel H. Moenter, Manager, State Government Affairs, Marathon Petroleum Company, LLC (PPT)
Adam J. Schubert, Ph.D., Product Strategy Manager, US BP Fuels Management Group (PPT)
Ernest C. Shea, Project Coordinator, 25x®25, America®s Energy Future (PPT)
Richard Nelson, Director of Engineering Extension Programs, Kansas State University (National Biodiesel Board) (PPT)
David Shiflett, Vice President, Southeastern Region, World Energy, LLC (PPT)
A. Stanley Meiburg, Deputy Regional Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 (Southeast Diesel Collaborative) (PPT)
Jan St. John, Relationship Manager, Farm Credit of North Florida (PPT)
J.C. Clinard, Vice President/Senior Relationship Manager, Farm Credit of Central Florida (PPT)
Allan Guyet, Director, Florida Energy Office (PPT)
Charles W. Clemons, Sr., State Director, USDA Rural Development (PPT)
Bob Rohrlack, Senior Vice President of Business Recruitment and Retention, Enterprise Florida, Inc. (PPT)
James Culp, Energy Programs Manager, Florida Technological Research and Development Authority (PPT)